Welcome to SUTEE!

Showcasing Urban Trees for Environmental Education with
IoT Technology. SUTEE is an ERASMUS+ Strategic Cooperation Partnership in the field of school education project.

Ref. No: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000153498


The SUTEE project aims to address the following issues

Natural landscape appreciation

appreciation of the natural landscapes and features in cities (tree cover, parks, bushes, lawns, fallow spaces, fountains, river sides)

Citizen Participation

awareness of citizen participation in avoiding degradation of ecosystems and destructive city planning that exacerbates UHIs and destroys urban tree canopy (UTC)


build knowledge, skills and attitudes around sustainable living (GreenComp framework)

Urban environmental behaviors

create competences to support urban environmental behaviours (protecting biodiversity)

Climate protecting approaches

aggregate a variety of climate protecting approaches (fountains, vertical gardens, etc.)

Digital competences

generate digital competences to collect and interpret urban environmental data (e.g. CO2 air quality, soil moisture deficits)


Keep up with the project, its activities, and its progress!

SUTEE project target groups

The project aims to have an impact on the following group of individuals and organizations:

Primary and secondary education teachers and students

Higher education students and professors.

Pre-service and in-service school teachers.

The SUTEE project

Aims to address the needs of its target groups through

  • providing and developing innovative tools and resources (sensors, smartphone app, etc.) that will help our target groups meet their desired outcomes.
  • identifying new approaches to addressing the needs of young urban people.
  • providing resources and learning models to the
    schools in our target groups that will help them to achieve their goals and increase their environmental awareness.

Project Workpackages

Monitoring Green Urban Areas with IoT Technology

Open Content, Method and Pedagogic Design

Learning Activities, Training and Pilots

Urban Synergies: Cross-cutting Activities and Exchange

Climate Crisis

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EU forests burned in 2022
0 km²

According to EFIS

of forests lost annualy
0 M Acres

According to WWF

Deaths due to air pollution
0 Million

According to WHO

of annual plastics in oceans
0 M Metric tones

According to Ocean Conservancy

SUTEE Newsletter

Subscribe to the project’s newsletter to receive news on its progress