Monitoring Green Urban Areas with IoT Technology

Showcasing Urban Trees for Environmental Education with
IoT Technology. SUTEE is an ERASMUS+ Strategic Cooperation Partnership in the field of school education project.

Ref. No: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000153498


The objective of this work package is to develop and provide learning technologies that are able to harvest and display environmental data using IoT technology. On the one hand, we will scan the technology market for free or affordable environmental sensors which can support learning activities in inquiry based scenarios in outdoor urban environments. It will include sensor tools for measuring e.g. soil moisture, acoustic pollution, air quality, local temperature, and other parameters.

Also, any available augmented reality tools that support the objectives of the project will be tested and implemented. The project will share these tools with school classes to experiment with the learning activities and pilots in WP4. On the other hand, WP2 will develop innovative applications that allow pupils, students and teachers to experience local climate information. With this technology (smartphone app, website), students will be able to see and share their immediate surroundings on relevant info maps using GPS tracking. It will include publicly available data from official urban climate data providers, showing e.g. the urban tree canopy (UTC), the urban heat islands (UHI), air pollution data (CO2, particulate matter, ozone, etc.) and more.

Furthermore, we will develop a citizen science interface, where data from the sensors mentioned above can be uploaded to a shared platform using IoT technology. This approach will enhance the publicly available datasets with individual collections of urban data, such as shade temperature effects provided by urban tree canopy and other green spaces. A web interface will enable classes and other stakeholders to review the collected data on a visualisation site. This will facilitate post-hoc discussion in classrooms, as well as in open public settings (e.g., with city planners or officials). In cooperation of WP3 (open content and pedagogic design) a sharing platform for learning activities will be developed.

Work package tasks

  • IoT tools bundle to collect environmental data
  • Smartphone app to collect and display datasets from sensors and open databases
  • Visualisation platform with linked open data
  • Learning Activities infrastructure

Work Packages

Monitoring Green Urban Areas with IoT Technology

Open Content, Method and Pedagogic Design

Learning Activities, Training and Pilots

Urban Synergies: Cross-cutting Activities and Exchange

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