Urban Synergies: Cross-cutting Activities and Exchange

Showcasing Urban Trees for Environmental Education with
IoT Technology. SUTEE is an ERASMUS+ Strategic Cooperation Partnership in the field of school education project.

Ref. No: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000153498


Perhaps the most important task for this WP is the generation of suitable training activities that are both scientifically sound and engaging for teachers and students. Involving the output of WP2 and WP3, we will engage schools and teachers directly to participate in the creation and piloting of innovative technology enhanced learning activities concerning the urban environment. This will also involve teacher training and CPD to support them in their tasks. It will be awarded with micro credentials, badges, ECTS, or similar credentials.

This work package deals with merging the insights, methods, and tooling produced by WP2 (technology) and WP3 (content, method) into transferable learning designs that directly address practitioners in their every-day teaching activities. The core target group, therefore, consists of teachers, teacher educators, and teacher students, as well as university academics. The tasks of WP4 aim at a wide roll-out of data information, didactical training, competence development, and professional implementation issues.

Since the project considers the entire education sector, representation and application in primary, secondary and tertiary education is envisaged. This requires appropriate adaptability of the actions taken by the consortium. Sharing and reviewing the developed activities with feedback from practitioners will also facilitate adoption by other organisations, including NGOs like nature clubs or adult education colleges, that will be targeted by WP5.

Work package tasks

  • Online training course in urban environment and competence development
  • Learning Teaching Training workshop
  • Implementation pilots of learning activities combining IoT technology and urban environment

Work Packages

Monitoring Green Urban Areas with IoT Technology

Open Content, Method and Pedagogic Design

Learning Activities, Training and Pilots

Urban Synergies: Cross-cutting Activities and Exchange

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