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SUTEE Consortium

Showcasing Urban Trees for Environmental Education with
IoT Technology. SUTEE is an ERASMUS+ Strategic Cooperation Partnership in the field of school education project.

Ref. No: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000153498

Pädagogische Hochschule Wien

Pädagogische Hochschule Wien


The University College of Teacher Education Vienna (Pädagogische Hochschule Wien, PHW) is Austria’s largest initial teacher education institution (ITE) and offers an extensive programme of primary, secondary, vocational and inclusive teacher education. Each year, about 3000 teacher students of primary, secondary and VET enroll at the institution.

PHW also offers continuous professional development (CPD) courses and in-service training to about 50,000 teachers of different school types a year, from single training seminars to two-year professional development qualifications.

PHW offers the full range of Austria’s four-year Bachelor in Education courses and a one-year full-time Masters programme. A separate 90 ECTS Master of Education is offered for Special Needs Education. PHW has a focus on practice oriented pre-service training in schools (school internships), learning technologies and innovation, multilingualism, diversity, health education, inclusion, didactics, and inquiry-based learning.

It also houses a Regional Educational Competence Centre for Sciences and Maths and other special research centres. The institution encompasses a primary school and a lower secondary school, with some 18 classes and 400 pupils aged 6-15, which are both located on campus and play an important role in experimenting with new pedagogic methodologies and technologies. The schools serve as testing ground for pedagogic innovation and in-school practice.

A separately run Kindergarten Academy is co located on the campus with shared facilities. PHW offers specific teacher training courses with a focus on inquiry based learning and project based learning.

It also houses specialist expertise centres concerned with research areas highly relevant to this project. Among these are the Centre for Learning Technologies and Innovation (ZLI), the Future Learning Lab (FLL), the Education Innovation Studio (EIS), and the Regional Competence Centre for the Natural Sciences. In the context of the SUTEE project, the expertise available in these departments will be combined to support successful outcomes as well as implementation directly in the two schools attached to PHW and in CPD courses for Viennese school teachers.

PHW Team

Dr. Wolfgang Greller, is Professor for Learning and Teaching Innovation. He is a leading expert on learning analytics and has long-standing experience in EU projects, going back some 25 years. Piloting and implementing new innovative forms of learning that reflect the pulse of the times is one of his interests. He offers an ideal combination of technological and pedagogical know-how.

Dr. Monika Musilek is the Head of the Competence Centre for STEM and Digitality (K:MID – Kompetenzzentrum für MINT und Digitalität). She holds a professorship in the field of natural sciences with a focus on exploratory discovery learning. Her research interest lies in teaching STEM ideas especially mathematics that focus on inquiry and discovery learning as a basis for lifelong and future-oriented learning.

Dr. Sandra Puddu is part of the team in the Competence Centre for STEM and Digitaliy (K:MID – Kompetenzzentrum für MINT und Digitalität). Her research interests lie in teaching STEM ideas in natural sciences, especially chemistry with a focus on inquiry-based learning and scaffolding, diversity and professional development of teachers.

Project Team

The partners of the SUTEE project consortium

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